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Promote Volunteer Opportunities for Nonprofit

Selfless Donations Made Easy

Promote your volunteer opportunities to a “charitable-minded” community of professionals. Provide them with online forms to complete or send them to your forms on your site.

Promote Your Volunteer Opportunities

Build and display your volunteer opportunities on your advocacy page in iConnectX. Promote the opportunities in the iConnectX Marketplace. Anyone interested can simply fill out the form and it goes to your specified email address.

Request a Demo Sign Me Up!


  • Easy set up
  • Add a description of the volunteer opportunity
  • Add some pictures
  • We include a form to capture information from the volunteer, or we can use a link to your form
  • Promote your volunteer opportunity in the iConnectX Marketplace, available to the community on browsers and in the mobile app
  • Any forms will be sent to your specified email